Treena's Travels

This blog was set up to journal my experience of living in Nunavut and keep friends and family up to date on these happenings. It's a wonderful place, this hideaway in the north, and I'm loving my time here. An unforgettable place with unforgettable people. I'm lucky to be here.

My Photo
Location: Baker Lake, Nunavut, Canada

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Temp: 0
Sunrise: 8:18 a.m.
Sunset: 6:01 p.m.

Well here we are once again with the weekend upon us. It was a nice short week thanks to Monday off and Tuesday no kids due to PD. The weather is cooling off now; it's supposed to bottom out at -10 tomorrow with a high of -1. I can't get over the fact that we don't have snow yet. My first year here we were already ice fishing by this time! Well, some people were. Not me because I was too chicken. Heck, the lake froze overnight (as it always does) and people were walking on it the next day. This little girl can't swim so not gonna happen for me but good on those brave enough to do it.

And speaking of ice fishing... Todd took it upon himself to build an awesome new ice shack to drag out on the ice for fishing. Let me tell ya, this thing rocks! Hee hee, and it leaves me feeling a bit homesick as it's painted red and looks like a barn. All it would take is the scent of cow poop and it would totally feel like back home! :-) Anyway, it's blinged out with a window, benches, shelf and sturdy door. Oh there are gonna be some good times in this ole fella for sure. Can't wait!


Blogger Unknown said...

love the blinged out fishing shack. As you said, it rocks!!

8:28 AM  

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