Temp: -33
Windchill: -53
Wind gusts 50 - 67 km/hr
Sunrise: 10:03 a.m.
Sunset: 3:02 p.m.
Well, here we are on Sunday and Baker Lake is in a full on blizzard. I've seen worse definitely, but this one is predicted to last possibly until Thursday. It's cold outside but I truly love blizzards. They leave me feeling very cozy and like I'm holed up in a cocoon. Now the only thing that could make it better would be a blizzard day tomorrow with no school. I've started working on an English course through the University of Athabasca and I'm afraid I've ben a bit tardy this weekend in getting it done so having a day to play catch up would be nice. And, frankly after coming back to work for a full five days with little ones finding it just as hard to get up and pay attention in the morning as I did, it would be nice to have an unexpected long weekend.

Things have been going really well in Baker this year (and we are so very far in to 2009 don't you know); the days are slowly getting longer and the sun is staying up in the sky just a wee bit longer. Funny how just a few minutes a day makes such a big difference. As does being a bit more active this year. I've been going out more to badminton and there is a really great turn out. Lots of laughs and wonderful exercise. Between that and using my new paraffin wax hand treatment I'm feelin' pretty spry I have to say.
This last picture is just a random shot from my holidays; Doyle's dog had pups and I was hanging out with them. So cute!

Anyway, 10 more hours and I'll know if I have work tomorrow....
Windchill: -53
Wind gusts 50 - 67 km/hr
Sunrise: 10:03 a.m.
Sunset: 3:02 p.m.
Well, here we are on Sunday and Baker Lake is in a full on blizzard. I've seen worse definitely, but this one is predicted to last possibly until Thursday. It's cold outside but I truly love blizzards. They leave me feeling very cozy and like I'm holed up in a cocoon. Now the only thing that could make it better would be a blizzard day tomorrow with no school. I've started working on an English course through the University of Athabasca and I'm afraid I've ben a bit tardy this weekend in getting it done so having a day to play catch up would be nice. And, frankly after coming back to work for a full five days with little ones finding it just as hard to get up and pay attention in the morning as I did, it would be nice to have an unexpected long weekend.

Things have been going really well in Baker this year (and we are so very far in to 2009 don't you know); the days are slowly getting longer and the sun is staying up in the sky just a wee bit longer. Funny how just a few minutes a day makes such a big difference. As does being a bit more active this year. I've been going out more to badminton and there is a really great turn out. Lots of laughs and wonderful exercise. Between that and using my new paraffin wax hand treatment I'm feelin' pretty spry I have to say.
This last picture is just a random shot from my holidays; Doyle's dog had pups and I was hanging out with them. So cute!
Anyway, 10 more hours and I'll know if I have work tomorrow....
Great Blog:)
We lived by Lake Winnipeg(Gimli) before leaving to come back to Australia, bought back memories.
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