Temp: -7
Wind chill: -14
Gawwd I'm getting tired of snow!!
Well, the weather has warmed up outside and with that comes snow! We have scads and scads and scads of snow. Good times. Oliver loves it but me, not so much. I'm in the middle of making plans to go home for the summer and I'm really looking forward to warm weather and greenery. I love it up here but I can't wait to not have to wear boots, mitts, parka... But it's kind of a bummer to plan going out for the summer because that's the nicest time up here weather-wise. June is the nicest month in NU and it's such a shame to miss it!
This weekend was a quiet weekend. I'm happy because I bought a small deep freeze for my apt from friends moving down south and they dropped it off today. Woohoo! Geeze, I feel like I should bake something just so I can freeze it!
I went for a short walk with Oli today and it was hilarious because in a matter of minutes I had my own little posse of 7 kids following me, I should say Oli, around. One little guy decided that his name shouldn't be 'Oliver' but should be 'Snowlover' because he rolls in the snow so much. I thought that was cute. He said he was going to try and find out what that was in Inuktitut and give him his own Inuktitut name. What sweet kids.
And with this weekend over, that means that my friend Karen will be here in 5 days!!! Snow Gods, please don't dump on us again until after her plane gets in safely!! We can't have blizzard-bound company now can we?!
These are the only new pics I have as of late. Sad news: my camera just bit the bullet! Grrrr!!! Anyway, here's some pics of Oli in the snow. Now I know it seems like all my pictures focus mainly on him but there's a reason for that (no I'm not completely and weirdly obsessed!) I use the pics on my blog as a teaching tool with the student I work with, describing how things are laid out, what's happening etc., in ASL. Very motivational since he's obsessed with dogs! :-)
Oli digging, digging, digging...

Nope. Nothing there.

Maybe over here?

Digging is hard work.

Oli and Sable tethered outside keepin' watch over the 12 plex. Oh I feel safer now... :-)
Wind chill: -14
Gawwd I'm getting tired of snow!!
Well, the weather has warmed up outside and with that comes snow! We have scads and scads and scads of snow. Good times. Oliver loves it but me, not so much. I'm in the middle of making plans to go home for the summer and I'm really looking forward to warm weather and greenery. I love it up here but I can't wait to not have to wear boots, mitts, parka... But it's kind of a bummer to plan going out for the summer because that's the nicest time up here weather-wise. June is the nicest month in NU and it's such a shame to miss it!
This weekend was a quiet weekend. I'm happy because I bought a small deep freeze for my apt from friends moving down south and they dropped it off today. Woohoo! Geeze, I feel like I should bake something just so I can freeze it!
I went for a short walk with Oli today and it was hilarious because in a matter of minutes I had my own little posse of 7 kids following me, I should say Oli, around. One little guy decided that his name shouldn't be 'Oliver' but should be 'Snowlover' because he rolls in the snow so much. I thought that was cute. He said he was going to try and find out what that was in Inuktitut and give him his own Inuktitut name. What sweet kids.
And with this weekend over, that means that my friend Karen will be here in 5 days!!! Snow Gods, please don't dump on us again until after her plane gets in safely!! We can't have blizzard-bound company now can we?!
These are the only new pics I have as of late. Sad news: my camera just bit the bullet! Grrrr!!! Anyway, here's some pics of Oli in the snow. Now I know it seems like all my pictures focus mainly on him but there's a reason for that (no I'm not completely and weirdly obsessed!) I use the pics on my blog as a teaching tool with the student I work with, describing how things are laid out, what's happening etc., in ASL. Very motivational since he's obsessed with dogs! :-)
Oli digging, digging, digging...
Nope. Nothing there.
Maybe over here?
Digging is hard work.
Oli and Sable tethered outside keepin' watch over the 12 plex. Oh I feel safer now... :-)