Treena's Travels

This blog was set up to journal my experience of living in Nunavut and keep friends and family up to date on these happenings. It's a wonderful place, this hideaway in the north, and I'm loving my time here. An unforgettable place with unforgettable people. I'm lucky to be here.

My Photo
Location: Baker Lake, Nunavut, Canada

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Temp: -18 (windchill -29)

Well, I've been tardy in keeping up in my blog as my good friend Karen pointed out to me, so here I am at 12:40 a.m. Sat morning writing this update (insert guilt trip here) :-) Actually, I can't seem to fall asleep yet. Tania and I went over to my friend Pam the-dental-hygenist's house (not sure if this is actually her last name or not) for a drink and a little hot tubbing and man was it ever nice! We sat in that tub for 2 1/2 hours and let me tell you I am some relaxed. But it sure makes me long for a weekend of skiing and then relaxing in an outdoor hot tub in Canmore surrounded by the mountains. Yup, I definitely wouldn't turn that down right about now.

So what else is new in Baker Lake? The weather has been very odd this fall. By this time last year we had scads of snow, had had a couple of blizzards and it was cold! But this fall it's felt very much like a chinook in AB. A skiff of snow on the ground but warm and humid. It even smelled like a chinook. That is until last Friday (Nov 3rd) when it got cold and the lake finally froze over. It was so bizarre. It froze over on Friday and on Saturday afternoon there were people out on it walking. By Sunday there were people on it on their snow machines. Crrrrrazy!!!! Not for me thanks very much! I'm gonna wait until she's nice and thick before I venture out there. No sense risking getting my face wet unless I really have to!

Other than the weather, we've seen Halloween come and go which was a lot of fun. The teacher I work with and I dressed up as an old couple. We had a good time and won 1st prize out of the staff. Here are some pics of some of the costumes we saw that day. The one of the boy in the cardboard is my favorite. Well, the scarecrow is pretty awesome too. What a cutie!!

And then there was the Halloween house party that we went to. I dressed up as a Coronation Street fan (go figure!). A good time was had by all.

Obligatory Oliver picture - him people watching from his perch on my recumbent bike.

The exercise regime is still going good; I find it a challenge and a laugh though trying to do the floor stuff with Oli around as he always tries to either wrestle with my legs or sit on me! But what can you do... Oh, but exercising is much easier since I quit smoking! :-) 30 days and counting.....


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