Baker Lake
Temp: -29
Wind chill: -42
Sunrise: 10:23 a.m.
Sunset: 2:26 p.m.
Las Vegas
Temp: +6
Sunrise/sunset: much longer!
Well, we made it safe and sound to Las Vegas baby! The temperatures have been really great compared to the north but today was surprisingly chilly. We headed out today on a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon, went to a dude ranch (too funny!), and saw the Hoover dam. It was a fun trip and we got some neat pics but on the way back we got stuck in a line-up to cross back over the dam with literally hundreds of cars ahead of us. For two and a half hours we sat in the line-up just inching along so, needless to say, I'm getting a bit travelled out. Tomorrow we'll head out for some shopping and then Friday night do a late Christmas with the fam. Should be fun
After we finish up here I have to get back to Winnipeg and pick up Oliver who, as it turns out, had a serious liver fungus and had to be treated on IV antibiotics for 4 days. Good times....
Anyhow, here are some pics...

Happy holidays!

My sister Ashlyn, my brother-in-law Chris and I drinking something called The Borg Sphere at the Star Trek restaurant in the Hilton. We all also took in the Borg show and it was a hoot!

Off we go on a trail ride at the 'ranch' on a horse named Peddle that was on auto-pilot and refused to do anything I wanted her to do. Nice... And, to top it off we had to wear helmets which left us feeling a bit like someone there for therapy and not pleasure ;-)

Our wagon and driver (who had about as much energy as Peddle did) :-)

The Hoover Dam

My folks wandering around the Joshua Tree forest (but they aren't actually trees I found out - just plants)

The view at night (obviously) from the Mirage where we stayed - holy lights!!

The volcano/water show featured nightly at the Mirage - corny but cool to see

When in Vegas baby!!!

Freemont Street and the popular overhead show put on every hour - pretty cool

Some quiet time just enjoying the tree we bought and decorated
Temp: -29
Wind chill: -42
Sunrise: 10:23 a.m.
Sunset: 2:26 p.m.
Las Vegas
Temp: +6
Sunrise/sunset: much longer!
Well, we made it safe and sound to Las Vegas baby! The temperatures have been really great compared to the north but today was surprisingly chilly. We headed out today on a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon, went to a dude ranch (too funny!), and saw the Hoover dam. It was a fun trip and we got some neat pics but on the way back we got stuck in a line-up to cross back over the dam with literally hundreds of cars ahead of us. For two and a half hours we sat in the line-up just inching along so, needless to say, I'm getting a bit travelled out. Tomorrow we'll head out for some shopping and then Friday night do a late Christmas with the fam. Should be fun
After we finish up here I have to get back to Winnipeg and pick up Oliver who, as it turns out, had a serious liver fungus and had to be treated on IV antibiotics for 4 days. Good times....
Anyhow, here are some pics...
Happy holidays!
My sister Ashlyn, my brother-in-law Chris and I drinking something called The Borg Sphere at the Star Trek restaurant in the Hilton. We all also took in the Borg show and it was a hoot!
Off we go on a trail ride at the 'ranch' on a horse named Peddle that was on auto-pilot and refused to do anything I wanted her to do. Nice... And, to top it off we had to wear helmets which left us feeling a bit like someone there for therapy and not pleasure ;-)
Our wagon and driver (who had about as much energy as Peddle did) :-)
The Hoover Dam
My folks wandering around the Joshua Tree forest (but they aren't actually trees I found out - just plants)
The view at night (obviously) from the Mirage where we stayed - holy lights!!
The volcano/water show featured nightly at the Mirage - corny but cool to see
When in Vegas baby!!!
Freemont Street and the popular overhead show put on every hour - pretty cool
Some quiet time just enjoying the tree we bought and decorated