Temp: -30
Sunrise: 9:37 a.m.
Sunset: 2:48 p.m.
Well, the week has been a pretty interesting one. I ended up puppy-sitting for a friend Sunday to Wednesday and what a pup he was. I'd conveniently forgotten what it was like to have a non-potty-trained dog around. Sheesh! Heading outside in cold weather every hour on the hour... good times! ;-) Anyhow, Oliver was pretty much a pouting grump for the whole three days but what can ya do?


Oliver couldn't get far enough away from the little guy

Frisky and maybe a wee bit big for his britches!
Other than that, my neighbour Chad and some co-workers have nets set up out on the ice for fish and it's been good feeding ever since they set them up. Yum!!
Here's a picture of one of the first ones he brought home. Hee hee, it's almost as big as Tania!

And here's a picture of a fish that I gutted and is currently wrapped up in my freezer waiting to be eaten. It's kind of a gross pic though so be warned. The neat thing of it all is that there were two fish in it's belly when I cleaned it. So cool to see these fairly sizable fish in my fish! This was only my second fish to gut but let me tell ya, it's a walk in the park compared to butchering chickens. Now THAT's a disgusting job! :-)

Well, it's hard to believe that Saturday is already December. We're gearing up at school for the Christmas concert which the kids are really excited about, and it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! I'm getting into the holiday mood which is nice and I'm really looking forward to Christmas and my family's trip to Vegas. Should be a good time; different for a Christmas break, but still a really good time. But, until Christmas gets here I am going to pass the time with skating. Got myself a pair of really comfy skates and once I get them sharpened this weekend look out! No seriously, look out. I'm a lousy skater (especially with figure skates and that blasted toe pick!) but it'll be good to get out and have some fun. Hee hee... now to find some hockey pads so I don't end up breaking something!
Sunrise: 9:37 a.m.
Sunset: 2:48 p.m.
Well, the week has been a pretty interesting one. I ended up puppy-sitting for a friend Sunday to Wednesday and what a pup he was. I'd conveniently forgotten what it was like to have a non-potty-trained dog around. Sheesh! Heading outside in cold weather every hour on the hour... good times! ;-) Anyhow, Oliver was pretty much a pouting grump for the whole three days but what can ya do?
Oliver couldn't get far enough away from the little guy
Frisky and maybe a wee bit big for his britches!
Other than that, my neighbour Chad and some co-workers have nets set up out on the ice for fish and it's been good feeding ever since they set them up. Yum!!
Here's a picture of one of the first ones he brought home. Hee hee, it's almost as big as Tania!
And here's a picture of a fish that I gutted and is currently wrapped up in my freezer waiting to be eaten. It's kind of a gross pic though so be warned. The neat thing of it all is that there were two fish in it's belly when I cleaned it. So cool to see these fairly sizable fish in my fish! This was only my second fish to gut but let me tell ya, it's a walk in the park compared to butchering chickens. Now THAT's a disgusting job! :-)
Well, it's hard to believe that Saturday is already December. We're gearing up at school for the Christmas concert which the kids are really excited about, and it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! I'm getting into the holiday mood which is nice and I'm really looking forward to Christmas and my family's trip to Vegas. Should be a good time; different for a Christmas break, but still a really good time. But, until Christmas gets here I am going to pass the time with skating. Got myself a pair of really comfy skates and once I get them sharpened this weekend look out! No seriously, look out. I'm a lousy skater (especially with figure skates and that blasted toe pick!) but it'll be good to get out and have some fun. Hee hee... now to find some hockey pads so I don't end up breaking something!