Temp: -25
Windchill: -44
Wind gusts: to 71 km/hr
Sunrise: 8:03 a.m.
Sunset: 6:06 p.m.
I have to say that this past weekend has been a great weekend even though we were in the midst of yet another blizzard. Friday night was spent playing a couple games and watching movies with friends and Saturday night we all decided to go visit the igloos after dark for tea. It was amazing. The ride out was pretty chilly but once we got inside it was nice and toasty. But, before we got to go inside the boys had to dig out the entryway because of the last blizzard that snowed it all in. Once we were settled inside we had tea and hot chocolate, visited and played some inuit games. But the most amazing part of the night was when Tania and I rode back in the box of the komatiq, flat on our backs just gazing up at the stars and the northern lights. I felt like a little kid again. It was the most peaceful and amazing feeling to have all that darkness surrounding us, set off only by the stars, and highlighted with dancing streaks of pale green across the sky. I hope I never forget that feeling; what a fantastic experience.
And Sunday the crew went down to the hotel for a delightful brunch. The walk there was very mild (woohoo! no snowpants required!!) with just a slight gusting wind. Slowly snowflakes began to fall, the wind picked up and BAM! By 2:30 we were in blizzard mode! It tapered off by morning though so that's good.
Anyway, here are a few pics of our little 'ole tea party

And Tuesday night (which was last night but this posting was started on the weekend, hence the date) was the annual Science Fair at the high school. It was so great to see so many families come out and check out all the projects. The kids were some excited to show off what they put together for their parents and 4 groups got picked to go to Arviat to present there in the finals this weekend. It will be interesting to see if any of our kids makes the cut to go to the Nationals.
Windchill: -44
Wind gusts: to 71 km/hr
Sunrise: 8:03 a.m.
Sunset: 6:06 p.m.
I have to say that this past weekend has been a great weekend even though we were in the midst of yet another blizzard. Friday night was spent playing a couple games and watching movies with friends and Saturday night we all decided to go visit the igloos after dark for tea. It was amazing. The ride out was pretty chilly but once we got inside it was nice and toasty. But, before we got to go inside the boys had to dig out the entryway because of the last blizzard that snowed it all in. Once we were settled inside we had tea and hot chocolate, visited and played some inuit games. But the most amazing part of the night was when Tania and I rode back in the box of the komatiq, flat on our backs just gazing up at the stars and the northern lights. I felt like a little kid again. It was the most peaceful and amazing feeling to have all that darkness surrounding us, set off only by the stars, and highlighted with dancing streaks of pale green across the sky. I hope I never forget that feeling; what a fantastic experience.
And Sunday the crew went down to the hotel for a delightful brunch. The walk there was very mild (woohoo! no snowpants required!!) with just a slight gusting wind. Slowly snowflakes began to fall, the wind picked up and BAM! By 2:30 we were in blizzard mode! It tapered off by morning though so that's good.
Anyway, here are a few pics of our little 'ole tea party
And Tuesday night (which was last night but this posting was started on the weekend, hence the date) was the annual Science Fair at the high school. It was so great to see so many families come out and check out all the projects. The kids were some excited to show off what they put together for their parents and 4 groups got picked to go to Arviat to present there in the finals this weekend. It will be interesting to see if any of our kids makes the cut to go to the Nationals.